About The Australia and New Zealand Infrastructure Pipeline (ANZIP)
The Australia and New Zealand Infrastructure Pipeline (ANZIP) provides a forward view of major infrastructure projects and contracts across the two countries. ANZIP provides a transparent, detailed and independent snapshot of infrastructure investment, construction, operation and privatisation opportunities for investors, constructors, governments, advisors, researchers and the broader community. ANZIP tracks infrastructure opportunities from announcement to completion, providing updates and objective analysis each step of the way. ANZIP is produced by the team at Infrastructure Partnerships Australia and updated as opportunities move through the Pipeline, providing a current, complete and unbiased resource.
Analysis of the Pipeline conducted by Infrastructure Partnerships Australia shows a substantial unmet opportunity for the use of private finance in infrastructure delivery models.
Infrastructure Partnerships Australia has identified and collated projects in the pipeline that could attract private capital. Strong Candidates for the use of Private Finance are those projects with comprehensive scope details available and highly comparable reference projects. Potential Candidate projects are typically earlier in the planning process and can be graduated to Strong status once further details are released.
Further information on this methodology or inquiries on the use of private finance in infrastructure can be directed to [email protected]
Learn how to make the most of ANZIP
Welcome to the Australian and New Zealand Infrastructure Pipeline platform, a search tool for infrastructure projects. Watch this video for a quick guide on how to navigate this page.
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